
Source Repositories

Gitea profile

LaTeX Packages

CTAN profile
  1. uwa-colours: The colour palette of The University of Western Australia
  2. uwa-letterhead: The letterhead of The University of Western Australia
  3. uwa-pcf: A Participant Consent Form (PCF) for a human research protocol at The University of Western Australia
  4. uwa-pif: A Participant Information Form (PIF) for a human research protocol at The University of Western Australia

JavaScript Packages

npm profile

jsPsych Plugins

  1. @adp-psych/jspsych-plugin-html: A jsPsych plugin to display HTML
  2. @adp-psych/jspsych-plugin-id: A jsPsych plugin to get a participant’s ID


  1. @adp-psych/container-tools: Tools for using containers for psychology experiments
  2. @adp-psych/http2-push-manifest: A command-line utility to generate an HTTP/2 push manifest
  3. @adp-psych/pkg-basename: A command-line utility to get the basename of the current package


  1. @adp-psych/babel-config for Babel
  2. @adp-psych/browserslist-config for Browserslist
  3. @adp-psych/commitlint-config for commitlint
  4. @adp-psych/eslint-config for ESLint
  5. @adp-psych/jsdoc-config for JSDoc
  6. @adp-psych/npm-check-updates-config for npm-check-updates
  7. @adp-psych/npm-package-json-lint-config for npm-package-json-lint
  8. @adp-psych/postcss-config for PostCSS
  9. @adp-psych/stylelint-config for stylelint
  10. @adp-psych/webhint-configuration for webhint
  11. @adp-psych/webpack-config for Webpack