
Conference Papers

  1. Di Pietro, A., Barone, L. & While, R. L. (2008, June 1–6). On the behaviour of evolutionary strategies for problems with varying noise strength. In J. Wang (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC 2008) (pp. 27722779). IEEE.
  2. Di Pietro, A., Barone, L. & While, R. L. (2006, May 22–24). A comparison of different adaptive learning techniques for opponent modelling in the game of Guess It. In S. J. Louis & G. Kendall (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and games (CIG’06) (pp. 173180). IEEE.
  3. Di Pietro, A., While, R. L. & Barone, L. (2004, June 19–23). Applying evolutionary algorithms to problems with noisy, time-consuming fitness functions. In G. W. Greenwood (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC 2004) (pp. 12541261). IEEE.
  4. Di Pietro, A., While, R. L. & Barone, L. (2002, July 9–13). Learning in RoboCup keepaway using evolutionary algorithms. In W. B. Langdon, E. Cantú-Paz, K. Mathias, R. Roy, D. Davis, R. Poli, K. Balakrishnan, V. Honavar, G. Rudolph, J. Wegener, L. Bull, M. A. Potter, A. C. Schultz, J. F. Miller, E. Burke & N. Jonoska (Eds.), GECCO-2002: Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference: A joint meeting of the seventh annual genetic programming conference (GP-2002) and the eleventh international conference on genetic algorithms (ICGA-2002) (pp. 10651072). Morgan Kaufmann.


  1. Di Pietro, A. (2007). Optimising evolutionary strategies for problems with varying noise strength (Doctoral dissertation). The University of Western Australia. Perth, Australia.